Fearless One
Work it, B!
Say what you like about Mrs. Carter a.k.a. “Sasha Fierce” a.k.a. “Bey,” better known as Beyonce Knowles, but this chic stays on her grind! I may not be the biggest fan of some of her cookie cutter tunes, but I’ve got nothing but love and respect for this woman’s amazing drive and work ethic.
B paid a visit to Brooklyn on Friday to celebrate the grand opening of the Beyonce Cosmetology Center, which is housed in The Pheonix House substance abuse treatment home. Although the facility is known for its many vocational skills programs, Beyonce was underwhelmed with the activities geared toward women. In true Fly Female Entrepreneur fashion, Beyonce put her money where her mouth is and funded a seven-month course in cosmetology for both men and women.
As we all know, Beyonce’s mother, Tina Knowles, is also a source of inspiration for women everywhere as a long time entrepreneur and owner of a Houston beauty salon. Beyonce stated that her mother’s business helped women feel good about themselves and enriched lives so she wanted to follow in her footsteps. As such, both Tina Knowles and Beyonce have committed to donating $100,000 each year to the Brooklyn-based Pheonix House.
Congrats to two of the hardest grinding ladies in show biz. May you continue to uplift and inspire women across the globe with your blessings and gifts!
It’s crazy how time flies when we’re having fun…remember a wet behind the ears Beyonce singing about a man payin’ her bills back in the day? This feels (and looks) like a lifetime ago!
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.