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Tori Nichel Wins Challenge!

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If you visit In Her Shoes regularly, you’re very aware of our girl Tori Nichel’s participation as a finalist in the eBay Sellers Challenge. If not, take a moment to get up to speed by clicking here and here.

I’m super excited and proud to announce that (drum roll please)…Tori Nichel won the eBay Sellers Challenge! As the winner in the “First Time Sellers on eBay” category, Tori will be taking home a $25,000 business grant, along with marketing consultation and assistance from eBay.

Listen, I could go on and on for days with this because I’m so giddy but instead of boring you with my banter, I’ll let Tori speak for herself (sent via Blackberry this morning):

Good Morning Lovely People!

I WON THE CHALLENGE! The announcement will go live today!

Thank you so much for voting and voting everyday or as much as you could. Thank you to all who spread the word to your personal networks and colleagues as well. Please forward this message to anyone you asked to vote for me.

To Hector, this would have never happened without you! You’re the best mentor, thanks for always believing in the business!

Once again I’m traveling this week as well so I apologize for the informal bberry email but please know you were all part of this WIN!

I am proof that the power of smiling…never losing sight of a dream…and persistence is always successful!

Big Hugs Always,


Congrats again, Tori! You are the quintessential Fly Female Entrepreneur. Here’s to continued success and blessings!

As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.

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