Out About Town: ESSENCE Presents Smart Beauty
Photo Credit: GlamazonsBlog.com
Last Thursday I had the honor of sitting front row (well, front table) at ESSENCE Magazine’s Smart Beauty VII: The Power of Confidence: Reflections on Black Beauty Now panel event. As part of the presentation, the Smart Beauty VII panel featured a mix of beauty industry experts, tastemakers and legends including: my girl Patrice Grell Yursik, creator, Afrobella.com; Iman, Founder & CEO, Iman Cosmetics; Gabrielle Union, actress; Bethann Hardison, former model, agent and fashion advocate; and ESSENCE Editor-at-Large and event moderator Mikki Taylor.
During the session, the panelists weighed in on key findings from the Smart Beauty study, as well as their own thoughts on African-American women and beauty overall. They chatted candidly about the black woman’s confidence in her beauty, the risks that we take with everything from makeup to hair, and the fact that when it comes to setting trends, we’re truly a force to be reckoned with. I was beyond proud to be in a room of SO many brilliant and powerful women who embrace and OWN their beauty! In true Superwoman fashion, I left the panel early to catch a flight to Miami but got SO much from the discussion that I had to share a few highlights with you:
(L-R) Gabrielle Union, Bethann Hardisan, Iman, Patrice Grell Yursik (Afrobella)
So many great takeaways. I could have filled up this entire notebook…
Iman slays every single time!
Beauty bloggers Carmen of LipstickFashionMascara.com and Jenell of KinkyCoilyMe.com
When it comes to brown girls and beauty, we do NOT play
I love a fabulous parting gift! Adorable iPhone case + wallet compliments of GiGi New York
Kudos to the ESSENCE team for a job well done and thanks so much for extending the invitation!
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.