Currently Crushing On
Currently Crushing On…
The blogosphere is a beautiful thing. If you take the time to explore, finding new, cool sites is almost as exciting as discovering unchartered territory in your favorite city. Last night I stumbled upon what has got to be my all time favorite Tumblr site. It’s titled “Plastic Ladies” and features some of the most fashion forward dolls I’ve ever laid eyes on.
The dolls have been getting lots of shine in the cyberworld and you can’t help but notice all the small details that make these “Plastic Ladies” so stunning.
Check out a few of the ‘Plastic Ladies’ (and gentlemen) that caught my eye. Aren’t they just gorgeous?
This was just a taste of the fabulousness taking place over at “Plastic Ladies.” To check out the full collection visit
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.