8 Fly Female Entrepreneurs Share the Gift of Self-Love
Happy Valentine’s Day, beautiful people! While women, men, boys, and girls cross the country are using this day as an opportunity to express love to others, I’m going to flip the script a little and find out why some of the most inspiring women I know love themselves. Yes, themselves! Demonstrating self-love begins with self-acceptance and finding fulfillment from within is the first sacred step to TRUE happiness. What do some of the most respected and successful women in media, beauty, fashion, art, and entertainment love, accept, and embrace most about themselves? Let’s find out!
I love myself when I’m laughing with my daughter and when my head is in my mama’s lap. I love myself when I’m treating my body like I know the divine is all up in there. I love myself when I take time to be still, when I’m in service of sisters. I love myself when I’m surrounded by the support & kindness of my girls.
– Michaela Angela Davis: Image Activist, Founder of MAD Free
I really love my skin. Flaws and all! From its tone, its texture, to the beautiful chameleon-like shades it turns seasonally. From the summer sun-kissed bronzed cocoa to the winter fair caramel. I love the beauty of its imperfections…like the slight scar I got when I had the chicken pox just above my lip that I now call my beauty mark. Even when its temperamental I am able to still see its beauty genetically. I’m always discovering beauty products to enhance the parts I love the most, like my cheek bones. All in all, I love the skin God put me in!
– Dorian Grace: Owner, DLUX NJ Boutique
One of the things I love about myself is my optimism. I have days like everyone else, full of disappointments and frustrations as well as triumphs. I LOVE that I am hard-wired to find the silver lining in my experiences. It helps me to remain centered.
– Jamyla Bennu: Co-founder, Oyin Handmade
I love that I love change and I rarely run away from it. In fact, I run toward it and embrace it and am never satisfied with the status quo. I love that I am compassionate; spiritual and emotionally mature. I love that I am passionate about the creative process, its the business execution and the fact that I actively utilize both sides of my brain.
– Marcia Cole: CEO, Ivy Digital, LLC, founder of AMBERmag.com
I love how confident I feel after I have a fresh haircut or when I’m rocking a new dress. I love how much I appreciate my opinion and following my first mind. I love the tenacity, drive and passion I have for my work! I love how I want everyone to feel just as good as I do about life on a regular basis. And what I love most about myself is that I recognize that I’m a beautiful, proud, black woman who has the ability to choose whatever I want and not have to settle for anything that doesn’t feel good to me!
– Felicia Leatherwood, Celebrity Hair Stylist and founder of Loving Your Hair with Natural Care Workshops
I love most that I am a joyful person (Abiola means joy!) who knows how to turn her life messes into helpful and inspiring messages. As a dating, relationships and life coach, I have learned that no matter what we’ve experienced, we all deserve love. Passion and self love are the path to everything we desire. I am a teacher and a student, still learning, still empowering, and still making her messes into messages.
– Abiola Abrams: Passionate Living Coach
I love most that I am stubbornly and courageously committed to my dreams, and that amidst all the struggles I face in achieving them, I find strength in my vulnerability.
– Ariana Proehl: Creator and Host, Know This! TV
I love that I surround myself with good people. I love that I have the confidence to live the life I’ve imagined and inspire others to do the same. And I love that I’m not afraid to laugh at myself.
– Amber Lee Forrester: Founder, Kane and Couture
So beauties, what do you love most about YOURSELF?
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.