Check On It
The Search for Two Cents
Toni: “I’d like to bounce some hot ideas off you. I think this could be it…the concept that takes me to the next level!”
Sheree: “Another hot idea, huh? OK, what is it?” *as she continues online shopping*
Sigh. We’ve all been there. You’re bursting to pitch a new concept but just need the right person to share it with. Someone who isn’t predictably biased and who could even add on a bit to help you take it “there.” The ladies over at In Good Company Workplaces have pulled together a few of the best business feedback sites the ‘net has to offer so the next time you have an AHA moment that’s “Oprah Effect” worthy, be sure to check out their recommendations:
Love My Idea is an online community portal where ideas can be heard, loved, nourished and encouraged. Aside from idea rating, people use the LoveMyIdea community to search for partners and investors.

Why Not? Is an online idea exchange where community members can rate ideas on a scale of very weak to very strong. It is managed by book authors, Ian Ayers and Barry Nalebuff. Their book: “Why Not? How to Use Everyday Ingenuity to Solve Problems Big and Small” helps readers with creative problem solving and adapting innovative thinking.
Taking an “American Idol” type approach, Name This, allows people to solict, offer, or vote on names for a nacent idea or business. The solicitors pay a fee; voters and creators get rewarded. Within 48 hours you receive “three world-validated names for your thingamajig”.
So, have you ever used an online site to help develop a concept? If not, who do you run to when you’ve got a fab idea you want to share?
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.