Do What You Love

Why Starting Over Isn’t as Bad as It May Seem

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By In Her Shoes Contributor: Brianna Arps, @briannaarps

Brianna Arps

I recently landed a new job writing about beauty and wellness after being laid off from a marketing gig during the holidays.

I fought a hard battle to find it. Yet, I feel better now that I’m doing better overall and working towards achieving a life-long dream.

Like many, I too am taking notes from Kahlana Barfield-Brown, InStyle’s Beauty and Fashion Editor-At-Large, and hope to venture down a similar career path.

While this is an exciting time for me, pausing on the journey to reflect on and appreciate all that comes with starting over matters more.

My faith in myself was restored despite facing my first “adult” crisis.

The inquisitive rebel in me who doesn’t take no for an answer and always questions what’s been deemed impossible has taken over for good.

Plus, these days – quite frankly – I much rather ask for forgiveness than seek anyone’s permission.

There are several reasons why we must begin again, and a lot of them aren’t fair. My advice, however, simply asks you to remember that everything happening is setting the ultimate stage for your success.

Turn the page on fear and curve doubt because as a wise person once said: “It’s never too late to become what you might have been.”

As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.

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