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Mentor Much?
Reaching a certain level in your career, being invited to all the hottest industry events, and having the financial freedom to cop all the designer apparel your heart desires is a beautiful thing, but let’s make one thing clear. All of this means nothing – I repeat – nothing if you’re not reaching back to nourish the career of a younger person who could benefit from your experience and wisdom.
We’ve all heard phrases like “each one teach one,” and “teach the babies” but can you honestly say you’re doing your part? Even if you don’t have time to become an actual mentor, consider sharing your expertise by speaking at schools in your community. The couple hours you take out of your day to build with the youth could provide an aspiring (insert your career here) with enough knowledge to last a lifetime!
Last Friday I had the honor of joining four other Fly Female Entrepreneurs on a trip Uptown to speak at the KIPP: Infinity Charter School’s career day. We were invited by the super sweet and beautiful Ms. Asiya Razvi and it was definitely one of the most gratifying experiences I’ve had in a while.
Five women following their dreams + over 50 students who were eager to learn more about our chosen professions = one amazing afternoon! Hope you enjoy these pics and are inspired to touch a young person’s life today!
Asiya Razvi of KIPP: Infinity Charter School Gets The Classroom Ready
Jewelry Designer & Illustrator, Lorraine Natasha West
Anjum Razvi, Interior Designer & Asiya’s Mom!
Kristen Tate, Public Relations Professional
Yours Truly: Renae Bluitt, Public Relations Professional & Founder, In Her Shoes
Ashaka Givens, Clothing Designer
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.