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Instant Inspiration!
Fired up? Ready for the world? Simply unstoppable? This is how you feel after getting nourished spiritually, hearing encouraging words from a mentor or even jamming out to feel good tune in your car. You instantly feel revived and renewed. It’s amazing how a little dose of inspiration can make a dark situation a tad bit lighter and some of its barriers a little bit lower. But what happens when the inspirational situation has come to an end, the radio went to the next song and your mentor is back living there life ? A couple of hours later after the instant inspiration has left your presence, do you retreat back to your defeated mentality or do you continue fight the negative thoughts?
Our inspiration and motivation should not fluctuate up and down like the temperature. Especially like the weather in today’s day and age. It can go from 90 degrees to rainy to 50 and back to 90 degrees all in one day! We all have more control of our thoughts and emotions than we can ever imagine. It’s our duty to take in inspiration, motivation and encouragement and internalize so it becomes a part of our everyday mentality. Not only should we have a positive spirit in an uplifting environment but the same spirit through a toxic environment as well.
It’s time to take control of your spirit and mind. The world can be a battlefield at times when it comes to staying positive. So make sure you keep your world and your reality as positive as you can. From inspirational quotes to feel good tunes, create your world . When you do this it will begin to sink in and your default mindset will instantly be positive and long term.
Live. Laugh. Love.
Miracles & Blessings,
Ellisa Oyewo
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.