Fly Female Entrepreneurs
Fly Female Entrepreneur: Georgia Becker
While most 14-year-olds are idolizing celebs, watching television, and texting with friends, Georgia Becker decided she’d launch her own business. As the co-founder of, Georgia is letting her inner beauty maven shine with the development of a site that will change the way you search for beauty tutorials forever. With a social calendar that’s packed with everything from studying to sports, Georgia is quite the go-getter! Today, she sits down with In Her Shoes to talk about the inspiration behind, her beauty influences and the first woman she considered to be a beauty icon in her world:
In Her Shoes: Congrats on the launch of! What led to your decision to create the site?
Georgia: I just couldn’t handle the amount of time it took in order to find the right beauty tutorial video. It was also hard to find new videos to watch because every time I searched “everyday look” I’d have to go through let’s say 10 videos to find one that I like!
In Her Shoes: How exactly does this site differ from simply going to YouTube and searching for what I want?
Georgia: IWTL has a lot more filters that are specifically made for helping you find the perfect look; each filter has sub-filters and even within those sub-filters, there are sub-filters. Also, all the videos that we have on IWTL have been chosen by our team of curators. We’ve narrowed down the videos from YouTube, and chosen only the best.
In Her Shoes: How would you describe the girl/woman?
Georgia: She’s the woman that likes to get stuff done.
Georgia’s mom, Jodie Patterson
In Her Shoes: Who is the first woman or girl you met that you consider to be a beauty icon or influencer?
Georgia: My mom is always trying to find new ways to tie together inner and outer beauty, and to put that balance in me, and all of the people around her. She is super determined and is one of the most stubborn people I know, which really helps her accomplish her goals.
In Her Shoes: What is a day like in Georgia Becker’s shoes?
Georgia: I normally have a pretty packed schedule that is mostly focused around school. My day starts at 7:15a which is when I get to school for yoga. I really love it because I start my day off calm (even though I often loose that calmness mid-day), then I go straight into my classes. I try to fill my schedule with as much of the arts as possible, so I took chorus, and I’m a part of an ensemble at my school. I just finished doing my dance concert, which was super fun, so now I’m doing my school musical, which happens almost everyday until 6p. After that I go home, eat, do my homework, and if I have time I’ll watch an episode of 90210 or Dawson’s Creek.
In Her Shoes: Who influences your beauty product purchasing decisions most?
Georgia: My family and friends are super influential on the person that I am and the person that I want to become. I’m also influenced obviously by models and actors but I have to watch myself because I know that what I see in the magazines isn’t actually real; it’s a new and “improved” version of the person who actually modeled for that job.
In Her Shoes: What do you want women and girls to take away from each visit to
Georgia: I want going onto IWTL to be effortless and make getting ready for your date, or your prom, or even just a normal day much less of a hassle.
In Her Shoes: Where can we find on social media?
Georgia: We have a tumblr which is and we post pics of some of our favorite looks of the moment or announce IWTL updates. You can also find us on Facebook!
In Her Shoes: What’s next for
Georgia: We are working on adding a fashion element to IWTL and adding even more filters as we go along. We’re also trying to move the gurus that post to YouTube over to IWTL. Overall, we just want IWTL to be a handy helper to get you through a busy day.
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As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.