Currently Crushing On
Currently Crushing On…
By In Her Shoes Guest Blogger: Ellisa Oyewo
Paul Coelho
I have to admit, I’m slightly obsessed with Brazilian author Paulo Coelho. His novels have been translated in over 52 languages and have sold well over 100 million copies. Some of his work includes Veronica Decides to Die, The Zahir, I Sat down by the Riviera Piedra and Wept, Eleven Minutes and of course, The Alchemist. Out of all the books I‘ve read by Coelho, The Alchemist was the most influential in my life. He paints a simple story which holds so much insight in all 167 pages of the book.
Powerful points I took away from The Alchemist:
To find your true dreams go back to your childhood It stated that as young children we have clear dreams of what we want to be in this world. From an astronaut, to a singer to a model…these are all passions that burst into our spirits as youth before we are tainted by society. Once we grow older both society and ourselves make each one our dreams seem as if it is almost impossible to reach.
Fear of failure is the top reason people don’t pursue there “personal legend” Many people have built up fear in themselves that they think once you fail once in life, your life is officially over. People must realize your failures in life is what makes us strong enough to hold the success that God has in store for your life. Live and learn.
Everyone’s “personal legend” is different If you keep interfering with other’s dreams or try to mock them you will never reach your own. Follow your spirit and follow the path that God has carved out just for you.
If you haven’t been mesmerized by the talent of Paulo Coelho yet, please check him out at
Miracles & Blessings,
Ellisa Oyewo
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.