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Create Your Own World

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By In Her Shoes Guest Blogger: Ellisa Oyewo


I have  to admit, I have guilty pleasure. I tend to daydream more often than I should. Yes, at the wrong time it’s not the best thing to do but I still feel it’s more positive than negative.  I’m a person who creates and brings my world wherever I go.  I love to live my life in a bubble of bliss rather than giving power to outside incidents to disturb my mood.  It is vital to take control of your thoughts in order to grow to next level in life.

Here are three ways I create my own world:

ŸCreate your own space –  It is important to build up all your different  spaces of living with things that represent you. From your musical taste, to vivid colors and a decor that screams out your name personally, this alone will serve as a reminder of what you stand for and what you believe in. It doesn’t just have to be your house or apartment that reflects your personal style. Build up your car, room, office, wherever you go!

ŸFaith props: This is a major one to creating your world. Keep visuals of where you want to be in life and of things that bring joy to your life. From an overseas country you want to live in to pictures of loved ones. Visuals subconsciously keep you  focused. I am a full believer that meditation triggers visualization which turns into actualization and eventually manifestation.

ŸSurround yourself with positive people: This can seem like a difficult task at first but well worth it in the end.  It’s easy to determine a negative spirit in people but harder to cut them off. Especially if it’s a close friend or confidant. You don’t want to feel a constant battle between you and others just to stay positive. It can get tiring and eventually wear you down.  Remember when you’re with your friends you should be inspired and motivated. It not only benefits you but them as well.

There are so many things bombarding us to change or pull us in different directions. It’s wonderful to be inspired by new things, just make sure you filter what comes into your world.

“Love is life, and life is freeTake a ride on life with meFree your mind and find your wayThere will be a brighter day.”

-E. Badu

Miracles & Blessings,

Ellisa Oyewo

As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.

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