Guest Bloggers

Closet Therapy

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By: In Her Shoes Guest Blogger, Ellisa Oyewo

Yes, the time has come for all of us to have a Dr. Phil moment! Take a deep breath, walk across the room, and slowly open up your closet door. Screams, grunts and feeling slightly nauseous are all a normal reaction to overcoming….closet clutter!

I know as women we have stacks and stacks of untouched clothing, worn down clothing and clothes we’re still scratching our heads trying to figure out how they got in our closet in the first place. The majority of us tend to have the habit of holding our clothes for hostage because we feel attached to them.

Just like a relationship, memories linger around each article of clothing in our overstuffed closet. We can go through and remember the most fabulous night we had with Mr. Right  or remember the hilarious misadventure you had with our girls. Yes, ladies even though memories are great we have to learn how to let go and move away from the flats that has your pinky toe saying hello to the world every time you walk.

It is a known fact that clutter and mess can cause stress and tension.  You’re already juggling 20 different things as it is, why not eliminate stress where you can? So yes! Its time to part ways with clutter you call half of your wardrobe!. Donate it to charity and feel better that someone is actually wearing it. Your closet should represent your life. Fresh, Clean, new, and ready for the world! Go ahead and toss anything you haven’t even looked at in a year or even 10, I promise you will feel much better…

Miracles & Blessings,

Ellisa Oyewo

As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.

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