Michelle O Brunch 4th Year Anniversary Cocktails
Tomorrow evening I have the pleasure of sharing the inspiration behind In Her Shoes at the Michelle O. Brunch 4th year anniversary cocktails event! Amidst much of today’s TV content which purports that women (especially black women) do NOT get along, Michelle O Brunch exists to challenge this narrative of female discord. Throughout the year, the organization highlights and celebrates women who make it their responsibility to build bridges with other women. So, in their first event of 2013, during Women’s History Month, they’ll showcase women who are currently steering initiatives that connect and support women and encourage you to network with others. We all need allies in this world, and Michelle O Brunch creates sophisticated event & digital platforms that allow us to create bridges amongst us to push our careers and personal agendas forward. For those shy to network, Michelle O. Brunch will create a welcoming environment to help you make connections. It will be a good use of your time. Just come and see. If this isn’t enough incentive, there is also a DJ + premium open bar from 6:30-7:30 – all for $20.
Click here to purchase your ticket. Hope to see you there!
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.