3.3.11: New York City, Get Your Ash Whooped!
Sheree Fletcher, founder of Whoop Ash
Have I mentioned how much I LOVE my career? Many of you may know me as a blogger but by day, I’m a beauty PR pro. What I enjoy most about doing PR is that you can literally customize your work. As a certified product junkie, I’ve taken the beauty PR route and am adoring every minute of it!
Who doesn’t want to test new brands and help other women realize you’ve put them on to something they can’t live without? As if this weren’t enough, I also get to bring my passion for Fly Female Entrepreneurs into the equation so it’s a win/win scenario for all. The newest project I’ve taken on is NO exception:
Ladies, mark your calendars for THURSDAY, MARCH 3rd! I have the pleasure of working with Whoop Ash, a pretty amazing skincare brand, and would LOVE for you to join me for its official NYC coming out soiree.
Just in time for the upcoming warmer months, pick up the go-to product for moisturizing and healing all the damage from this season’s harsh winter elements:
Meet Fly Female Entrepreneur and force behind the brand Sheree Fletcher, enjoy a glass of wine, receive a complimentary mini hand massage and a free gift with purchase (while supplies last).
Space is limited so don’t forget to RSVP to whoopash_events@tysmithgroup.com. Hope to see you there!
P.S.: Stay tuned to In Her Shoes for Sheree Fletcher’s upcoming Fly Female Entrepreneur interview…
For additional information on Whoop Ash visit www.whoopash.com, follow the brand on Twitter or join its fabulous Facebook community by clicking here!
As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.