
Number One Fan

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Relentless, confident, passionate, creative, hard working, and focused are qualities that describe you IF you were being honest with yourself. It’s easy to shy away from our fabulousness or dim our light for others to shine, but we should always be our number one fan. We don’t miss out on opportunities to be our biggest critics do we? Yet when the opportunity arises to be the loudest cheerleader in our lives we often end up speechless. Why is this?

Society often depicts a woman’s confidence as vanity, conceit or plain old bitchiness. If you shine light on others every day, what’s wrong with shining a little bit towards yourself every once in a while? If you’re feeling down about where you are in life don’t wait for someone else to uplift you. Pull out the big blue foam finger and give yourself the cheer of life! Stop waiting for validation or a pat on the back from your peers, family, or co-workers. Speak positivity into your OWN life.

True happiness cannot be found outside of yourself. Happiness is the result of what you feel within. Looking within, listening within, and speaking within is how we make contact with our higher selves.

Being your number one fan will keep you focused and ready to cultivate your dreams. Embrace all of your positive qualities so that in your moments of weakness they will overshadow your doubts.

Let’s say it together: 2-4-6-8,  I’m too amazing not to be great!

Miracles & Blessings,

Ellisa Oyewo

As a New York City storyteller, filmmaker, digital content creator, and PR strategist, Renae Bluitt created "In Her Shoes" to empower and enlighten women committed to realizing their dreams.

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